
Logs - MapSwipe Workers

Where can I find logs?

  • docker logs mapswipe_workers

  • or

  • cat mapswipe-data/mapswipe_workers.log

Logs are written to directly to the terminal (stdout). The easiest way is therefore is to run docker logs mapswipe_workers to see the logs.

Logs are also writing to file inside the Docker container (~/.local/share/mapswipe_workers/mapswipe_workers.log). The parent directory of the file is the data directory of MapSwipe Workers. This directory is mounted (as a Docker volume) locally to disk (mapswipe-data/). Logs can therefore be accessed as text file as well: cat mapswipe-data/mapswipe_workers.log

Logs - Django web server.

  • docker compose logs django

  • or

  • cat django-data/django.log

Common Errors

Docker containers are always restarting: Take a look at the docker logs (eg. docker logs container_name). If you get an Unable to load configuration file at ./cfg/config.cfg. Exiting. due to PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './config/configuration.cfg' error message, you probably have SELinux on your system enabled. If so you have to configure (change mount option of volumes) your docker-compose file. Please read the documentation provided by Docker regarding this configuration ( Chapter: “Configure the selinux label”).

Useful Docker Commands

  • docker ps -a: list all containers and check status

  • docker image ls: list all docker images

  • docker exec -it mapswipe_workers bash: open shell in a running container

  • docker exec -t mapswipe_workers tail -100 /var/log/mapswipe_workers/mapwipe_workers.log: show last 100 lines of the log file

  • docker stats: show memory usage, CPU consumption for all running containers

  • docker system prune --all: clean up any resources — images, containers, volumes, and networks — that are dangling (not associated with a container)