
This document describes how to setup all the parts of the MapSwipe backend in a production environment.

Please consult the Configuration Reference for this setup as well.

  1. Firebase

  2. Postgres

  3. MapSwipe Workers

  4. API

  5. Manager Dashboard

  6. Django API

  7. Community Dashboard

  8. Lets Encrypt and NGINX as proxy

For this setup the main repository is required:

git clone
cd python-mapswipe-workers

Firebase Setup

Download a Service Account Key File for MapSwipe Workers:

  1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.

  2. Click Generate New Private Key, download it and use it to set the environment variables in .env.

Configure your API Keys in Google APIs & Services

  1. Open Google APIs & Services > Credentials

  2. Create API key for MapSwipe workers:

    • set name of api key to mapswipe-workers

    • set Application restrictions > IP addresses > set IP addresse of mapswipe workers server

    • set API restrictions > Restrict Key > Identity Toolkit API

  3. Create API key for Manager Dashboard:

    • set name of api key to manager-dashboard

    • set Application restrictions > HTTP referrers > set HTTP referrer of managers dashboard

    • set API restrictions > Restrict Key > Identity Toolkit API and Cloud Functions API

  4. Also make sure to configure the API keys for the App side here.

Deploy Database Rules and Functions

The Firebase setup consists of two parts:

  • Firebase Database Rules (firebase/database.rules.json)

  • Firebase Functions (firebase/functions/)

To deploy them to the Firebase Project the Firebase Command Line Tools are required. When running the provided Docker image (firebase/Dockerfile) the database rules and the functions will be deployed. For this to work a Firebase Token is needed:

  1. On a PC with a browser install the Firebase Command Line Tools (

  2. Run firebase login:ci to generate a Firebase Token.

  3. Save the Firebase Token to .env at the root of the cloned MapSwipe Backend repository on the server: echo "FIREBASE_TOKEN=your_token" >> .env

Once the Firebase Token is set the database rules and functions will be deployed when running the firebase_deploy Docker image using docker-compose:

docker-compose up --build -d firebase_deploy

This container needs to run only as long until the firebase deploy command inside the Docker container terminates. Use docker logs firebase_deploy to find out if the command is still running.

Postgres Setup

In the postgres directory is an initdb.sql file for initializing a Postgres database.

When running Postgres using the provided Dockerfile it will setup a Postgres database using the initdb.sql file during the build.

The Postgres configuration (eg. password) has to be defined in the environment file (.env):


To run the Postgres Docker container:

docker-compose up -d postgres

The Postgres instance will be exposed to localhost:5432.

MapSwipe Workers


Run MapSwipe Workers

docker-compose up -d mapswipe_workers

Manager Dashboard

The Manager Dashboard uses the Firebase JavaScript client SDK to access Firebase Database service as authenticated as MapSwipe user with project manager credentials.

  1. Open Google APIs & Services > Credentials

  2. Create API key for MapSwipe workers:

    • set name of api key to mapswipe_workers_api_key

    • set Application restrictions > IP addresses > set IP addresse of mapswipe workers server

    • set API restrictions > Restrict Key > Identity Toolkit API

  3. Create API key for Manager Dashboard:

    • set name of api key to manager_dashboard_api_key

    • set Application restrictions > HTTP referrers > set HTTP referrer of managers dashboard (e.g.

    • set API restrictions > Restrict Key > Identity Toolkit API and Cloud Functions API

  4. Also make sure to configure the API keys for the App side here.

Project-id refers to the name of your Firebase project (e.g. dev-mapswipe). The firebaseConfig in mapswipe_dashboard/js/app.js should look like this now:

var firebaseConfig = {
    apiKey: "manager_dashboard_api_key",
    authDomain: "",
    databaseURL: "",
    storageBucket: ""

Get Web API Key: > Settings > Project settings > General. Add the web api key to the .env file.

Make sure to set restrictions correctly:

docker-compose up -d manager_dashboard


Currently the API is a simple Nginx server which serves static files. Those files are generated by MapSwipe Workers and shared over a Docker volume with the API Container.

docker-compose up -d api

Django API

Currently the django API is a web server build using django which provides stats information.

docker-compose up -d django

Lets Encrypt and NGINX

To enable SSL for the API and MapSwipe Manager Dashboard use Certbot to issue standalone certificates.


To install Certbot follow instructions on

Create certificates:

certbot certonly \
    --standalone \
    --domain \
    --domain \
    --agree-tos \
    --email \

Note: Certbot systemd timer for renewal of certificate will not work for standalone certificates because the service (docker nginx) which occupies port 80 has to be stopped before renewal.

For certificate renewal a cronjob is used. This has to be run as root: sudo crontab -e


0 */12 * * * certbot -q renew --pre-hook "docker stop nginx" --post-hook "docker start nginx"


NGINX serves the MapSwipe API and Manager Dashboard. If you want these point to a specific domain, make sure to set it up.

Once you got your domain name change server_name, ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key in the NGINX configuration file (nginx/nginx.conf)


docker-compose up -d nginx