
Project Draft

Footprint projects can be supplied with geometries in three seperate ways.

  1. by specifying a HOT Tasking Manager Project ID and an object filter

  2. by specifying an url to the data (e.g. an ohsomeAPI call)

  3. by uploading an aoi and an object filter

Project Draft example for a footprint project which was initialized with an aoi and a filter:

  "createdBy" : "Sample Admin",
  "filter" : "building=* and geometry:polygon",
  "geometry" : {
    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {},
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Polygon",
          "coordinates": [[[9.18032169342041, 48.790552471542284],[9.187102317810059,48.790552471542284],[9.187102317810059,48.79407236257656],[9.18032169342041,48.79407236257656],[9.18032169342041,48.790552471542284]]]}
  "groupSize" : 25,
  "lookFor": "Buildings",
  "image": "",
  "projectDetails": "This is a template for a GeoJSON AOI project. We use Bing as the tile server.",
  "inputType" : "aoi_file",
  "name" : "Test Footprint GeoJSON AOI",
  "projectTopic" : "Test Footprint GeoJSON AOI",
  "projectType" : 2,
  "verificationNumber": 3,
  "tileServer" : {
    "credits" : "© 2019 Microsoft Corporation, Earthstar Geographics SIO",
    "name" : "bing",
    "url" : "",
    "wmtsLayerName" : ""

Examples for the other initialization options can be found in the mapswipe-backend repository at mapswipe_workers/tests/integration/fixtures/footprint/projectDrafts.

Project structure

Project Structure example for a project which was created via HOT Tasking Manager Project ID.

  "TMId" : "11193",
  "contributorCount" : 1,
  "created" : "2021-12-10T18:05:26.090515Z",
  "createdBy" : "X0zTSyvY0khDfRwc99aQfIjTEPK2",
  "filter" : "building=* and geometry:polygon",
  "groupMaxSize" : 0,
  "groupSize" : 30,
  "image" : "",
  "inputType" : "TMId",
  "isFeatured" : false,
  "lookFor" : "Buildings",
  "name" : "OSM Building Validation - Indonesia (1)\nAmerican Red Cross",
  "progress" : 0,
  "projectDetails" : "The Red Cross Climate Centre, Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia/PMI), IFRC, British Red Cross and Australian Red Cross are implementing a programme where the data contributed will be used by the Red Cross to assist in forecasting future disaster impacts, by knowing in advance what is likely to be impacted and its exposure and vulnerability. The information will help implementation of early action activities to take place before a disaster strikes, contributing to reduce risk, prepare for effective response and ultimately to strengthen community resilience.",
  "projectId" : "-Mq_IVluLteQRS75gWej",
  "projectNumber" : "1",
  "projectRegion" : "Indonesia",
  "projectTopic" : "OSM Building Validation",
  "projectType" : 2,
  "requestingOrganisation" : "American Red Cross",
  "requiredResults" : 286302,
  "resultCount" : 0,
  "status" : "private_active",
  "teamId" : "-Mq_EQlzqmYytCspuFSq",
  "tileServer" : {
    "apiKey" : "ca613e76-811f-46e7-9e1d-84f6795441c2",
    "credits" : "© 2019 Maxar",
    "name" : "maxar_premium",
    "url" : "{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg?connectId={key}"
  "tutorialId" : "tutorial_-MO3ky5z--RY8PC1lONa",
  "verificationNumber" : 3

Group structure

The footprint groups follow the standard group structure.

  "finishedCount" : 0,
  "groupId" : "g100",
  "numberOfTasks" : 30,
  "progress" : 0,
  "projectId" : "-Mq_FxTdV2QJHsxQcvFk",
  "requiredCount" : 3

Task structure

Parameter Description
Project Type Specific Information
GeoJSON Each task has a polygon geometry, which usually outlines a building or another object.
  "feature_id" : 0,
  "geojson" : {
    "coordinates" : [ [ [ 5.15910196973, 13.48686869581 ], [ 5.15937974751, 13.48686869581 ], [ 5.15937974751, 13.48742425137 ], [ 5.15910196973, 13.48742425137 ], [ 5.15910196973, 13.48686869581 ] ] ],
    "type" : "Polygon"
  "id" : "13564_100_0",
  "properties": "feature_geometries, e.g. attributes from osm"

Result Structure

The Result for a footprint project are explicitly given via the “yes”, “no” and “not sure” buttons.